Davis Instruments
Davis Instruments
Davis Line Snubber 22" - Black - 2-Pack [1468]
Line Snubber™ 22" - Black - 2-PackLine Snubber™ helps reduce stress on your lines and cleats. Molded of highest quality rubber for years of service. Quick Guide (pdf)
Davis Instruments
Davis Long Range Repeater w/Solar Power [7654]
Wireless Long-Range Repeater with Solar PowerFor those who wish to send weather data much farther than 1,000' (300M), the Wireless Long-Range Repeater can extend the range up to two miles (3.2 km)...
Davis Instruments
Davis Lube II Steering Rod Sealer & Lubricator [425]
Lube IILube II allows sticky, hard to move steering rods to be properly and easily lubricated for smooth, easy steering action.The system includes a stainless steel lubricating nut with an oil seal...
Davis Instruments
Davis Mark 15 Master Sextant [026]
Mark 15 Sextant#026This model has many great features including seven large sunshades, a 3 mm x 27 mm star scope, and easy-to-read micrometer drum vernier scale that reads to 2/10 of a minute. The...
Davis Instruments
Davis Mark 3 Marine Sextant [011]
Mark 3 Marine SextantSometimes referred to as a "lifeboat" sextant, the Mark 3 is an inexpensive training sextant. Yet this model has taken sailors around the world, too! It is full-sized and has...
Davis Instruments
Davis Motor Caddy Outboard Hoisting Harness [430]
Motor CaddyMotor Caddy is sized to be quickly attached to most outboards from 2-15 horsepower. This improved design features a longer strap to fit 4-stroke motors and an added security strap for...
Davis Instruments
Davis Mounting Pole Kit [7717]
Mounting Pole KitPoles and hardware for mounting Vantage family stations or sensors.Kit includes two poles and mounting hardware. Poles can be used seperately or together to make a single, larger...
Davis Instruments
Davis Mounting Tripod [7716]
Mounting TripodOptional tripod makes installation even easier. Brackets at the base of each leg tilt to mount on your roof or uneven terrain. Made of galvanized steel. Includes two .92 m -long...
Davis Instruments
Davis Queaz-Away Motion Sickness Wristbands - Pair [400]
Queaz-Away Motion Sickness Wristbands - PairQueaz-Away is a non-drug aid for people on the go. The unpleasant effects of bumpy flights, choppy seas, winding roads, rocking trains, and spinning...
Davis Instruments
Davis Quick Fist Clamps (Pair) [540]
Quick Fist ClampsSecuring your equipment just got a whole lot easier! Quick Fist, a one piece rubber clamp, is ideal for stowing or transporting tools.Quick Fist is a rubber clamp that mounts easily...
Davis Instruments
Davis Quick Reference Boating Guide Card [128]
Quick Reference Boating Guide CardCovers all the basic procedures and equipment. Includes pre-departure checklist, recommended equipment & spare parts, fueling procedures, engine...
Davis Instruments
Davis Quick Reference Celestial Navigation Card [132]
Quick Reference Celestial Navigation CardA simplified, yet complete Celestial Navigation system. Includes everything you need: sextant use and corrections, star finder for 18 stars, data entry form,...