Digital Yacht
Digital Yacht
Digital Yacht iKonvert w/USB Interface [ZDIGIKVTUSB]
iKonvert with USB InterfaceThe iKonvert NMEA2000-0183 Gateway/Converter is an intelligent and flexible gateway for allowing software applications to read/write NMEA2000 data, either as RAW binary...
Digital Yacht
Digital Yacht iSeaSense Wireless Speed Depth Temp Pack Plus Wind [ZDIGISSPK2]
iSeaSense Wireless Speed Depth Temp Pack Plus WindDigital Yacht iSeaSense is a range of complete marine instrumentation packs based on NMEA 2000 and wireless connectivity. This pack includes speed,...
Digital Yacht
Digital Yacht iSeaSense Wireless Speed Depth Temp Pack [ZDIGISSPK1]
iSeaSense Wireless Speed Depth Temp PackDigital Yacht iSeaSense is a new range of complete marine instrumentation packs based on NMEA 2000 and wireless connectivity – allowing for maximum...
Digital Yacht
Digital Yacht LANLink NMEA 0183 To Ethernet Gateway [ZDIGLANLINK]
LANLink NMEA 0183 To Ethernet GatewayMore and more boats now have a wireless router fitted or utilize services like Digital Yacht 4G Connect for internet connectivity. LANLink is an NMEA to ethernet...
Digital Yacht
Digital Yacht LANLink NMEA 2000 To Ethernet Gateway [ZDIGLANLN2K]
LANLink NMEA 2000 To Ethernet GatewayMore and more boats now have a wireless router fitted or utilize services like Digital Yacht 4G Connect for internet connectivity. LANLink is an NMEA to ethernet...
Digital Yacht
Digital Yacht MA800 GPS Antenna f/AIS Transponders [X500.391]
MA800 GPS Antenna for AIS TranspondersThe MA800 passive GPS Antenna for AIS transponder (P/No. X500.391) is compatible with all current Digital Yacht AIS Transponders...
Digital Yacht
Digital Yacht MOB Alert System f/NMEA 2000 [ZDIGMOBALERT]
MOB Alert System for NMEA 2000Features:Simple MOB alert system for any NMEA 2000 boat networkActivation creates “synthetic” AIS/SART MOB beacon alerts, as well as MOB PGN, alerts from...
Digital Yacht
Digital Yacht N2K Protect NMEA 2000 Network Guard [ZDIGN2KPROT]
N2K Protect NMEA 2000 Network GuardWith more technically advanced, integrated, and “connected” boats, security becomes a major concern. Recent high-profile automotive hacks have...
Digital Yacht
Digital Yacht NavAlarm NMEA 2000 Audio Alarm [ZDIGNALARM]
NavAlarm NMEA 2000 Audio AlarmFeatures:Universal NMEA 2000 alarm – guaranteed to wake even the deepest sleeping crew member!Ultra loud 102dB sounder for any NMEA 2000 alertCompatible with...
Digital Yacht
Digital Yacht NavAlert NMEA Monitor Alarm System [ZDIGNALERT]
NavAlert NMEA Monitor & Alarm SystemNavAlert is Digital Yacht’s latest innovation and allows an alarm to be set for any parameter that’s available on the boat’s NMEA 2000...
Digital Yacht
Digital Yacht NAVDoctor NMEA Network Diagnostic Tool [ZDIGNAVDOC]
NAVDoctor NMEA Network Diagnostic ToolNAVDoctor is the perfect NMEA 2000 diagnostic tool for dealers, installers, and boat builders. It turns any mobile device into an NMEA 2000 network analyzer,...
Digital Yacht
Digital Yacht NavLink 2 NMEA 2000 to WiFi Gateway [ZDIGNLINK]
NavLink 2 “NavLink 2 is an easy to fit NMEA 2000 to Wifi server designed to make NMEA 2000 navigation data available for apps on smartphones, tablets, iPads and PCs.”...