Uflex USA
Uflex USA
UFlex Hydraulic Hose Kit 30' Two Hoses [KITOB-30']
Kit OB - Hose Kit for Single Station InstallationConsists of a pair of high pressure hoses supplied with preassembled fittings on both ends.Length: 30 FeetFittings: ORFS Specifications:Cable Length...
Uflex USA
Uflex Hydraulic Hose Kit 4 - Pair [KITOBDBR-04']
Hydraulic Hose Kit 4' - PairTwo high pressure flexible hoses, with pre-crimped fittings and bend restrictors on both ends.Fittings: ORFS*Not recommended for use with SilverSteer™ Series...
Uflex USA
Uflex Hydraulic Hose Kit 6 - Pair [KITOB-06']
Hydraulic Hose Kit 6' - PairTwo high pressure flexible hoses, with pre-crimped fittings and bend restrictors on both ends.Fittings: ORFS*Not recommended for use with SilverSteer™ Series...
Uflex USA
Uflex Hydraulic Hose Kit 6 - Two Hoses w/Bulkhead Fittings [KITOBBHBR-06']
Hydraulic Hose Kit 6' - Two Hoses with Bulkhead FittingsTwo high-pressure flexible hoses with pre-crimped nickel-plated fittings, bulkhead fittings (for KIT OB-BHBR only), and bend restrictors on...
Uflex USA
UFlex Hydraulic Oil - 1 Quart [OIL 15]
1 Quart Hydraulic Oil - Use with all Uflex Hydraulic Steering Systems.
Uflex USA
Uflex HYTECH 1.1 Front Mount OB System up to 175HP - Includes UP20 FM Helm, 2qts of Oil, UC95-OBF Cylinder 40 Tubing [HYTECH 1.1]
HYTECH 1.1 Front Mount OB System up to 175HP - Includes UP20 FM Helm, 2qts of Oil, UC95-OBF Cylinder & 40' TubingThe HYTECH steering kit featuring the unique split tilt tube rod that allows for...
Uflex USA
Uflex LTB1 Liquid Tie Bar [LTB1]
LTB1 Liquid Tie BarLiquid Tie Bar specifically for Up Series by Uflex.
Uflex USA
Uflex M12 Black Wheel Nut [1503B]
M12 Black Wheel NutThe M12 Wheel Nut is meant for Uflex steering wheels. A wheel nut is needed for the installation process of a Uflex steering wheel.Features:Color: BlackSpecifications...
Uflex USA
Uflex M12 Chrome Wheel Nut [1503]
M12 Chrome Wheel NutThe M12 Wheel Nut is meant for Uflex steering wheels. A wheel nut is needed for the installation process of a Uflex steering wheel.Features:Color: ChromeSpecifications...
Uflex USA
Uflex M66 10' Fast Connect Rotary Steering Cable - Universal [M66X10]
M66 Fast Connect Rotary Steering Cable - UniversalSteering Helm:Ultraflex T71FCT72FC - T73NR FCT81FC - T82FCT83NR FCTeleflex SafeTQC/NFBMorse D290Ultraflex Year 2001 & Prior:T71 - T72 -...
Uflex USA
UFlex M66 11' Fast Connect Rotary Steering Cable Universal [M66X11]
M66 Fast Connect Rotary Steering CableSteering Helm: Ultraflex T71FC T72FC - T73NR FC T81FC - T82FC T83NR FC Teleflex Safe TQC/NFB Morse D290Ultraflex year 2001 and prior: T71 - T72 - T73NR ...
Uflex USA
UFlex M66 12' Fast Connect Rotary Steering Cable Universal [M66X12]
M66 Fast Connect Rotary Steering CableSteering Helm: Ultraflex T71FC T72FC - T73NR FC T81FC - T82FC T83NR FC Teleflex Safe TQC/NFB Morse D290Ultraflex year 2001 and prior: T71 - T72 - T73NR ...